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Our Story

Finding a good quality jump rope can be hard and we found it to be a lot harder than we thought, especially when shopping in the UK. It seems that the best in class jump ropes were only more widely available in the US. We want to change that and make the dopest high quality jump ropes readily accessible to both aspiring and avid jump ropers on our side of the pond!

Our passion for jumping rope comes from the multitude of physical and mental health benefits it provides and most importantly the FUN you can have whilst staying active. Not only this, jump ropes are super affordable and portable, allowing you to exercise anytime, anywhere. As a result, jump rope has quickly become a staple in our family's exercise routines!

We hope that we can provide access and awareness to some of the best jump ropes on the market so you too can unlock the full potential of a jump rope workout!

Keon, founder @dope_ropes

I first picked up a rope...

when my brother introduced me to it. I'm not a natural 'fitness' enthusiast and I have struggled to find a form of exercise that worked for me, but skipping gave me enough variety and fun to keep at it!

I’ve always enjoyed board games and computer games and work a lot with data/numbers (I have a finance, marketing and data analytics background). Skipping is a sport that is really in tune with those kinds of interests and abilities (for me personally!) as you create combos and analyse your form to improve and learn new skills.

When I reached 30, I wanted to do something fun that also helped me to stay active and healthy. That is why I picked up a rope and still keep on jumping to this day!

How it became a small business...

Skipping changed my life and my attitude to physical and mental wellbeing and made me realise the importance of joyful movement. I decided I wanted to create a platform to share this with others and spread the word about the benefits of jumping rope by providing good information and quality products that seemed to be lacking in the UK.

I also have a keen interest in business and starting something that combined both passions of mine seemed to make perfect sense!

Setting up this platform has allowed me to promote the benefits of jump rope globally and help others like myself become more active and engage in movement.

The Brand...

Skipping has a retro feel, and it's something you do as a kid. For me personally it has enabled me to re-capture my childhood spirit - keeping things simple, whilst having fun!

The 80s/90s were my childhood and it was important to me that was captured in the brand, with nods to games, TV and other pop culture references from that era.

Our colour pallet is inspired by the vapourwave aesthetic combining neon pink with shades of blue, purple and black. I want to capture the vibe of Miami by day and LA at night through the look and feel of the products and branding.

The Goal...

To initiate movement for all via simple, flexible and affordable tools, improving mental and physical wellbeing.

To provide a constant way to remain active in an age of uncertainty.

To infuse a fun, retro aesthetic into the fitness and lifestyle sector and help recapture a playful approach to fitness.

Who is involved...

Dope Ropes runs on the support of family. I was inspired and guided by my brother in the beginning whilst my fiancé helps me to craft the creative vision. For a while, my mum was packing and shipping orders from our house and still helps to this day. My dog, Piglet, is always there to cheer me up whenever I am having a tough day!

Now we want you to...

Board the Jumpwave, have fun and become a Master in Stationary Movement.

The Journey so far and our amazing community.........

This wouldn't be possible without the support of my brother....


Kaz is a Certified Sports Nutritionist (CISSN) and has a Master's degree in Sport & Exercise Nutrition (MSc). He has had a lifelong interest in health and fitness but his passion and enthusiasm for jumping rope developed more recently when he welcomed his son into the world. Kaz had a demanding schedule...studying for his MSc, working as a nutrition consultant, and getting to grips with his new role as a father. He was looking for an exercise modality that would not only provide amazing results but more importantly one that would be sustainable and fit into his busy lifestyle. By combining jumping rope with body weight exercises, Kaz has discovered a time efficient workout that allows him to easily achieve his goals and supports his balanced and active lifestyle.

Our personal experience of jump rope over the years is what goes into our products and our website. We offer free advice and videos across our site and on our social media platforms as we want to pass on all our knowledge to as many of you as possible so you can benefit and start spreading the word too.


Our Manufacturing and Supplier Approach

I only make and sell jump ropes that I have used and trust in my own jump rope journey. I am happy to say that the majority of our ropes are hand assembled in Nottingham and we use UK manufacturing for many of the parts as well. We also stock ropes from other jump rope companies, such as RX SmartGear, who specialise in the CrossFit community. One of the main reasons I set up this store is to be able to offer quality jump ropes to the UK and European market with competitive pricing and local shipping.  Avoiding both high shipping costs as well as customs clearance fees makes our ropes much more affordable and gives you access to other rope brands that are based overseas! I have been really pleased that so many of you appreciate not only the products but having a local supplier to get them more affordably and quickly! 

At Dope Ropes, we believe collaboration with other jump rope experts is the key to making the best products and serving the global community and we will continue to do this to enable our products to be fit for purpose for all types of users across the globe.  

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